Be the Match BioTherapies

Copy, content and social for biopharma client

bringing a human & humorous voice to complex & technical subject matter


the challenge

Be The Match BioTherapies was a relatively new subsidiary of its parent organization, the National Marrow Donor Program, also known as Be The Match. While Be The Match benefitted in their marketing and storytelling from having a human interest perspective, a non-profit angle, and brand recognition, Be The Match BioTherapies had yet to find their voice and community online and on digital. As a pharmaceutical services company, identifying their online consumer and developing content for that audience was made more difficult with the B2B angle. They were also working in a technical and complex industry that is still relatively new, niche and specialized. Their social media content and online voice were suffering as a result of these challenges, with a voice and content that at times felt dry, impersonal and dull.

opportunity 1- use infographics and quick facts to express complex ideas quickly

Be The Match BioTherapies operates in a complex and technical industry. Telling a story on social media about biopharmaceuticals that’s both accurate and within the character limit can be challenging. Infographics in our social posts and quick facts in our imagery made it easy for followers to understand complex ideas with a quick scan, and was a more engaging way to reach people. From LinkedIn posts to Tweets to blog posts, infographics and quick-read facts and figures played a large role in our digital content strategy.

talk like a real person

Because of their highly technical and complex nature of their industry, Be The Match BioTherapies had developed a bad habit of sounding a bit robotic online. Oftentimes, social posts or blog articles sounded robotic, sterile and technical. Corporate jargon or insider language was often used at the expense of plain language that was clear, simple and direct. I worked to inject personality, friendliness and clear, direct simple language into our copy. This meant writing and talking like a real person online — not a corporate robot. By identifying a voice for Be The Match BioTherapies that was both smart AND interesting, we revitalized engagement on our accounts and picked up a substantial new number of followers.

make it personal

Be The Match BioTherapies often suffered from a lack of directness and personality in their social copy and in their general communications. So much of their storytelling and the selling of their services online felt esoteric, because it felt so impersonal and scientific. I worked to create content with a definable voice that spoke directly to individuals and that got at the heart of what we were trying to do—expand access to life-saving therapies to all who need them.

Blog Post: 3 Ways Related Donor Services Supports Families

Blog Post: A Mother Gives the Gift of Life Twice